Pomeron pole plus grey disk model: Real parts, inelastic cross sections and LHC data

S.M. Roy (HBCSE, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India)

I propose a two component analytic formula F(s,t)=F(1)(s,t)+F(2)(s,t) for (ab→ab)+(ab¯→ab¯) scattering at energies ≥100 GeV , where s,t denote squares of c.m. energy and momentum transfer. It saturates the Froissart–Martin bound and obeys Auberson–Kinoshita–Martin (AKM) [1,2] scaling. I choose ImF(1)(s,0)+ImF(2)(s,0) as given by Particle Data Group (PDG) fits [3,4] to total cross sections, corresponding to simple and triple poles in angular momentum plane. The PDG formula is extended to non-zero momentum transfers using partial waves of ImF(1) and ImF(2) motivated by Pomeron pole and ‘grey disk’ amplitudes and constrained by inelastic unitarity. ReF(s,t) is deduced from real analyticity: I prove that ReF(s,t)/ImF(s,0)→(π/ln⁡s)d/dτ(τImF(s,t)/ImF(s,0)) for s→∞ with τ=t(lns)2 fixed, and apply it to F(2) . Using also the forward slope fit by Schegelsky–Ryskin [5] , the model gives real parts, differential cross sections for (−t)<.3 GeV2 , and inelastic cross sections in good agreement with data at 546 GeV, 1.8 TeV, 7 TeV and 8 TeV. It predicts for inelastic cross sections for pp or p¯p , σinel=72.7±1.0 mb at 7 TeV and 74.2±1.0 mb at 8 TeV in agreement with pp Totem [7–10] experimental values 73.1±1.3 mb and 74.7±1.7 mb respectively, and with Atlas [12–15] values 71.3±0.9 mb and 71.7±0.7 mb respectively. The predictions σinel=48.1±0.7 mb at 546 GeV and 58.5±0.8 mb at 1800 GeV also agree with p¯p experimental results of Abe et al. [47] 48.4±.98 mb at 546 GeV and 60.3±2.4 mb at 1800 GeV. The model yields for s>0.5 TeV , with PDG2013 [4] total cross sections, and Schegelsky–Ryskin slopes [5] as input, σinel(s)=22.6+.034lns+.158(lns)2 mb , and σinel/σtot→0.56 , s→∞ , where s is in GeV 2 units. Continuation to positive t indicates an ‘effective’ t -channel singularity at ∼(1.5 GeV)2 , and suggests that usual Froissart–Martin bounds are quantitatively weak as they only assume absence of singularities upto 4mπ2 .

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      "title": "Pomeron pole plus grey disk model: Real parts, inelastic cross sections and LHC data"
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      "source": "Elsevier", 
      "value": "I propose a two component analytic formula F(s,t)=F(1)(s,t)+F(2)(s,t) for (ab\u00e2\u0086\u0092ab)+(ab\u00c2\u00af\u00e2\u0086\u0092ab\u00c2\u00af) scattering at energies \u00e2\u0089\u00a5100\u00c2 GeV , where s,t denote squares of c.m. energy and momentum transfer. It saturates the Froissart\u00e2\u0080\u0093Martin bound and obeys Auberson\u00e2\u0080\u0093Kinoshita\u00e2\u0080\u0093Martin (AKM) [1,2] scaling. I choose ImF(1)(s,0)+ImF(2)(s,0) as given by Particle Data Group (PDG) fits [3,4] to total cross sections, corresponding to simple and triple poles in angular momentum plane. The PDG formula is extended to non-zero momentum transfers using partial waves of ImF(1) and ImF(2) motivated by Pomeron pole and \u00e2\u0080\u0098grey disk\u00e2\u0080\u0099 amplitudes and constrained by inelastic unitarity. ReF(s,t) is deduced from real analyticity: I prove that ReF(s,t)/ImF(s,0)\u00e2\u0086\u0092(\u00cf\u0080/ln\u00e2\u0081\u00a1s)d/d\u00cf\u0084(\u00cf\u0084ImF(s,t)/ImF(s,0)) for s\u00e2\u0086\u0092\u00e2\u0088\u009e with \u00cf\u0084=t(lns)2 fixed, and apply it to F(2) . Using also the forward slope fit by Schegelsky\u00e2\u0080\u0093Ryskin [5] , the model gives real parts, differential cross sections for (\u00e2\u0088\u0092t)&lt;.3\u00c2 GeV2 , and inelastic cross sections in good agreement with data at 546 GeV, 1.8 TeV, 7 TeV and 8 TeV. It predicts for inelastic cross sections for pp or p\u00c2\u00afp , \u00cf\u0083inel=72.7\u00c2\u00b11.0\u00c2 mb at 7 TeV and 74.2\u00c2\u00b11.0\u00c2 mb at 8 TeV in agreement with pp Totem [7\u00e2\u0080\u009310] experimental values 73.1\u00c2\u00b11.3\u00c2 mb and 74.7\u00c2\u00b11.7\u00c2 mb respectively, and with Atlas [12\u00e2\u0080\u009315] values 71.3\u00c2\u00b10.9\u00c2 mb and 71.7\u00c2\u00b10.7\u00c2 mb respectively. The predictions \u00cf\u0083inel=48.1\u00c2\u00b10.7\u00c2 mb at 546 GeV and 58.5\u00c2\u00b10.8\u00c2 mb at 1800 GeV also agree with p\u00c2\u00afp experimental results of Abe et al. [47] 48.4\u00c2\u00b1.98\u00c2 mb at 546 GeV and 60.3\u00c2\u00b12.4\u00c2 mb at 1800 GeV. The model yields for s&gt;0.5\u00c2 TeV , with PDG2013 [4] total cross sections, and Schegelsky\u00e2\u0080\u0093Ryskin slopes [5] as input, \u00cf\u0083inel(s)=22.6+.034lns+.158(lns)2\u00c2 mb , and \u00cf\u0083inel/\u00cf\u0083tot\u00e2\u0086\u00920.56 , s\u00e2\u0086\u0092\u00e2\u0088\u009e , where s is in GeV 2 units. Continuation to positive t indicates an \u00e2\u0080\u0098effective\u00e2\u0080\u0099 t -channel singularity at \u00e2\u0088\u00bc(1.5\u00c2 GeV)2 , and suggests that usual Froissart\u00e2\u0080\u0093Martin bounds are quantitatively weak as they only assume absence of singularities upto 4m\u00cf\u00802 ."
  "imprints": [
      "date": "2016-11-18", 
      "publisher": "Elsevier"
Published on:
18 November 2016
Published in:
Physics Letters B (2016)

No information available

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