Matching generalized parton quasidistributions in the RI/MOM scheme

Yu-Sheng Liu (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China) ; Wei Wang (SKLPPC, School of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China) ; Ji Xu (SKLPPC, School of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China) ; Qi-An Zhang (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100049, China; School of Physics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China) ; Jian-Hui Zhang (Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany; Center of Advanced Quantum Studies, Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China) ; et al. - Show all 7 authors

Within the framework of large momentum effective theory (LaMET), generalized parton distributions (GPDs) can be extracted from lattice calculations of quasi-GPDs through a perturbative matching relation, up to power corrections that are suppressed by the hadron momentum. In this paper, we focus on isovector quark GPDs, including the unpolarized, longitudinally, and transversely polarized cases, and present the one-loop matching that connects the quasi-GPDs renormalized in a regularization-independent momentum subtraction scheme to the GPDs in MS¯ scheme. We find that the matching coefficient is independent of the momentum transfer squared. As a consequence, the matching for the quasi-GPD with zero skewness is the same as that for the quasi-parton-distribution-function. Our results provide a crucial input for the determination of quark GPDs from lattice QCD using LaMET.

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  "authors": [
      "raw_name": "Yu-Sheng Liu", 
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "China", 
          "value": "Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China"
      "surname": "Liu", 
      "given_names": "Yu-Sheng", 
      "full_name": "Liu, Yu-Sheng"
      "raw_name": "Wei Wang", 
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "China", 
          "value": "SKLPPC, School of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China"
      "surname": "Wang", 
      "given_names": "Wei", 
      "full_name": "Wang, Wei"
      "raw_name": "Ji Xu", 
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "China", 
          "value": "SKLPPC, School of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China"
      "surname": "Xu", 
      "given_names": "Ji", 
      "full_name": "Xu, Ji"
      "raw_name": "Qi-An Zhang", 
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "China", 
          "value": "Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100049, China"
          "country": "China", 
          "value": "School of Physics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China"
      "surname": "Zhang", 
      "given_names": "Qi-An", 
      "full_name": "Zhang, Qi-An"
      "raw_name": "Jian-Hui Zhang", 
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "Germany", 
          "value": "Institut f\u00fcr Theoretische Physik, Universit\u00e4t Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany"
          "country": "China", 
          "value": "Center of Advanced Quantum Studies, Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China"
      "surname": "Zhang", 
      "given_names": "Jian-Hui", 
      "full_name": "Zhang, Jian-Hui"
      "raw_name": "Shuai Zhao", 
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "China", 
          "value": "SKLPPC, School of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China"
      "surname": "Zhao", 
      "given_names": "Shuai", 
      "full_name": "Zhao, Shuai"
      "raw_name": "Yong Zhao", 
      "affiliations": [
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          "value": "Center for Theoretical Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA"
      "surname": "Zhao", 
      "given_names": "Yong", 
      "full_name": "Zhao, Yong"
  "titles": [
      "source": "APS", 
      "title": "Matching generalized parton quasidistributions in the RI/MOM scheme"
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      "value": "10.1103/PhysRevD.100.034006"
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      "journal_volume": "100", 
      "journal_title": "Physical Review D", 
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      "year": 2019
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  "abstracts": [
      "source": "APS", 
      "value": "Within the framework of large momentum effective theory (LaMET), generalized parton distributions (GPDs) can be extracted from lattice calculations of quasi-GPDs through a perturbative matching relation, up to power corrections that are suppressed by the hadron momentum. In this paper, we focus on isovector quark GPDs, including the unpolarized, longitudinally, and transversely polarized cases, and present the one-loop matching that connects the quasi-GPDs renormalized in a regularization-independent momentum subtraction scheme to the GPDs in <math><mrow><mover><mrow><mi>MS</mi></mrow><mrow><mo>\u00af</mo></mrow></mover></mrow></math> scheme. We find that the matching coefficient is independent of the momentum transfer squared. As a consequence, the matching for the quasi-GPD with zero skewness is the same as that for the quasi-parton-distribution-function. Our results provide a crucial input for the determination of quark GPDs from lattice QCD using LaMET."
  "imprints": [
      "date": "2019-08-08", 
      "publisher": "APS"
Published on:
08 August 2019
Published in:
Physical Review D , Volume 100 (2019)
Issue 3
Published by the American Physical Society

Fulltext files: