BKM Lie superalgebras from counting twisted CHL dyons – II

Suresh Govindarajan (Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India) ; Sutapa Samanta (Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India)

We revisit earlier work by one of us which lead to a periodic table of Borcherds-Kac-Moody algebras that appeared in the context of the refined generating function of quarter-BPS states (dyons) in N=4 supersymmetric four-dimensional string theory. We make new additions to the periodic table by making use of connections with generalized Mathieu moonshine as well as umbral moonshine. We show the modularity of some Siegel modular forms that appear in umbral moonshine associated with Niemeier lattices constructed from A-type root systems and further show that the same Siegel modular forms appear for generalized Mathieu moonshine in some cases. We argue for the existence of a new kind of BKM Lie superalgebras that arise from the dyon generating functions for the Z5 and Z6 CHL orbifolds.

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          "value": "Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India"
      "surname": "Govindarajan", 
      "email": "suresh@physics.iitm.ac.in", 
      "full_name": "Govindarajan, Suresh", 
      "given_names": "Suresh"
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "India", 
          "value": "Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India"
      "surname": "Samanta", 
      "email": "sutapa@physics.iitm.ac.in", 
      "full_name": "Samanta, Sutapa", 
      "given_names": "Sutapa"
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  "record_creation_date": "2019-09-17T17:30:11.375679", 
  "titles": [
      "source": "Elsevier", 
      "title": "BKM Lie superalgebras from counting twisted CHL dyons \u2013 II"
  "collections": [
      "primary": "Nuclear Physics B"
  "dois": [
      "value": "10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2019.114770"
  "publication_info": [
      "journal_volume": "948 C", 
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      "year": 2019
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  "abstracts": [
      "source": "Elsevier", 
      "value": "We revisit earlier work by one of us which lead to a periodic table of Borcherds-Kac-Moody algebras that appeared in the context of the refined generating function of quarter-BPS states (dyons) in <math><mi>N</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>4</mn></math> supersymmetric four-dimensional string theory. We make new additions to the periodic table by making use of connections with generalized Mathieu moonshine as well as umbral moonshine. We show the modularity of some Siegel modular forms that appear in umbral moonshine associated with Niemeier lattices constructed from A-type root systems and further show that the same Siegel modular forms appear for generalized Mathieu moonshine in some cases. We argue for the existence of a new kind of BKM Lie superalgebras that arise from the dyon generating functions for the <math><msub><mrow><mi>Z</mi></mrow><mrow><mn>5</mn></mrow></msub></math> and <math><msub><mrow><mi>Z</mi></mrow><mrow><mn>6</mn></mrow></msub></math> CHL orbifolds."
  "imprints": [
      "date": "2019-09-17", 
      "publisher": "Elsevier"
  "acquisition_source": {
    "date": "2019-10-30T19:30:24.297636", 
    "source": "Elsevier", 
    "method": "Elsevier", 
    "submission_number": "4846e462fb4311e981ff02163e01809a"
Published on:
17 September 2019
Published in:
Nuclear Physics B , Volume 948 C (2019)

Article ID: 114770
The Author(s)

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