We study the role of anisotropic escape in generating the elliptic flow of bottomonia produced in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. We implement temperature-dependent decay widths for the various bottomonium states to calculate their survival probability when traversing through the anisotropic hot medium formed in noncentral collisions. We employ the recently developed -dimensional quasiparticle anisotropic hydrodynamic simulation to model the space-time evolution of the quark-gluon plasma. We provide a quantitative prediction for the transverse momentum dependence of bottomonium elliptic flow and the nuclear modification factor for collisions in TeV at the CERN Large Hadron Collider.
{ "_oai": { "updated": "2021-08-28T23:55:56Z", "id": "oai:repo.scoap3.org:50905", "sets": [ "PRC" ] }, "authors": [ { "raw_name": "Partha Pratim Bhaduri", "affiliations": [ { "country": "India", "value": "Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, HBNI, 1/AF Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata 700 064, India" } ], "surname": "Bhaduri", "given_names": "Partha Pratim", "full_name": "Bhaduri, Partha Pratim" }, { "raw_name": "Nicolas Borghini", "affiliations": [ { "country": "Germany", "value": "Fakult\u00e4t f\u00fcr Physik, Universit\u00e4t Bielefeld, Postfach 100131, D-33501 Bielefeld, Germany" } ], "surname": "Borghini", "given_names": "Nicolas", "full_name": "Borghini, Nicolas" }, { "raw_name": "Amaresh Jaiswal", "affiliations": [ { "country": "India", "value": "School of Physical Sciences, National Institute of Science Education and Research, HBNI, Jatni-752050, India" } ], "surname": "Jaiswal", "given_names": "Amaresh", "full_name": "Jaiswal, Amaresh" }, { "raw_name": "Michael Strickland", "affiliations": [ { "country": "USA", "value": "Department of Physics, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44242, USA" } ], "surname": "Strickland", "given_names": "Michael", "full_name": "Strickland, Michael" } ], "titles": [ { "source": "APS", "title": "Anisotropic escape mechanism and elliptic flow of bottomonia" } ], "dois": [ { "value": "10.1103/PhysRevC.100.051901" } ], "publication_info": [ { "journal_volume": "100", "journal_title": "Physical Review C", "material": "other", "journal_issue": "5", "year": 2019 } ], "$schema": "http://repo.scoap3.org/schemas/hep.json", "acquisition_source": { "date": "2021-08-25T10:39:11.546110", "source": "APS", "method": "APS", "submission_number": "810b323c058f11ecb53772fd3742099d" }, "page_nr": [ 6 ], "license": [ { "url": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/", "license": "CC-BY-4.0" } ], "copyright": [ { "statement": "Published by the American Physical Society", "year": "2019" } ], "control_number": "50905", "record_creation_date": "2019-11-12T17:30:04.687577", "_files": [ { "checksum": "md5:1f18c0289d3cd987597a0ac7257a8afb", "filetype": "pdf", "bucket": "f862d5d9-0119-4372-885a-150821a71200", "version_id": "20eb9004-8430-4c6e-a829-825053ee8f19", "key": "10.1103/PhysRevC.100.051901.pdf", "size": 349828 }, { "checksum": "md5:94bfda4b2f9ec8eaca4fc9afc93f2f84", "filetype": "xml", "bucket": "f862d5d9-0119-4372-885a-150821a71200", "version_id": "40ab08c1-9de2-40ac-a9e4-d3521e9df390", "key": "10.1103/PhysRevC.100.051901.xml", "size": 106962 } ], "collections": [ { "primary": "HEP" }, { "primary": "Citeable" }, { "primary": "Published" } ], "arxiv_eprints": [ { "categories": [ "hep-ph", "nucl-th" ], "value": "1809.06235" } ], "abstracts": [ { "source": "APS", "value": "We study the role of anisotropic escape in generating the elliptic flow of bottomonia produced in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. We implement temperature-dependent decay widths for the various bottomonium states to calculate their survival probability when traversing through the anisotropic hot medium formed in noncentral collisions. We employ the recently developed <math><mrow><mn>3</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></math>-dimensional quasiparticle anisotropic hydrodynamic simulation to model the space-time evolution of the quark-gluon plasma. We provide a quantitative prediction for the transverse momentum dependence of bottomonium elliptic flow and the nuclear modification factor for <math><mrow><mi>Pb</mi><mspace width=\"0.16em\"></mspace><mo>+</mo><mspace width=\"0.16em\"></mspace><mi>Pb</mi></mrow></math> collisions in <math><mrow><msqrt><msub><mi>s</mi><mi>NN</mi></msub></msqrt><mo>=</mo><mn>2.76</mn></mrow></math> TeV at the CERN Large Hadron Collider." } ], "imprints": [ { "date": "2019-11-12", "publisher": "APS" } ] }