Constraints on the Higgs boson anomalous FCNC interactions with light quarks

M. Ilyushin (NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, IHEP, Protvino, Russia) ; P. Mandrik (NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, IHEP, Protvino, Russia; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia) ; S. Slabospitskii (NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, IHEP, Protvino, Russia; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia)

We consider the Higgs boson anomalous FCNC interactions with u, c, d, s and b quarks using the effective field theory framework. Constraints on anomalous couplings are derived from experimental results on Higgs boson production with subsequent decay into bb¯ pair at LHC with s=13 TeV. Upper limits on the branching fractions of Hbs¯ and Hbd¯ are set by performing a realistic detector simulation and accurately reproducing analysis selections of the CMS Higgs boson measurement in the four-lepton final state at s=13 TeV. The searches are projected into operation conditions of HL-LHC. Sensitivity at FCC-hh to anomalous FCNC interactions is studied based on Higgs boson production with Hγγ decay channel. It is shown that at FCC-hh machine one can expect to set the upper limits of the order of 102 at 95% CL for B(Hbs¯) and B(Hbd¯).

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      "year": "2020"
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      "affiliations": [
          "country": "Russia", 
          "value": "NRC \u201cKurchatov Institute\u201d, IHEP, Protvino, Russia"
      "surname": "Ilyushin", 
      "given_names": "M.", 
      "full_name": "Ilyushin, M."
      "surname": "Mandrik", 
      "given_names": "P.", 
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "Russia", 
          "value": "NRC \u201cKurchatov Institute\u201d, IHEP, Protvino, Russia"
          "country": "Russia", 
          "value": "Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia"
      "full_name": "Mandrik, P.", 
      "orcid": "0000-0001-5197-046X", 
      "email": ""
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "Russia", 
          "value": "NRC \u201cKurchatov Institute\u201d, IHEP, Protvino, Russia"
          "country": "Russia", 
          "value": "Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia"
      "surname": "Slabospitskii", 
      "given_names": "S.", 
      "full_name": "Slabospitskii, S."
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  "titles": [
      "source": "Elsevier", 
      "title": "Constraints on the Higgs boson anomalous FCNC interactions with light quarks"
  "collections": [
      "primary": "Nuclear Physics B"
  "dois": [
      "value": "10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2020.114921"
  "publication_info": [
      "journal_volume": "952 C", 
      "journal_title": "Nuclear Physics B", 
      "material": "article", 
      "artid": "114921", 
      "year": 2020
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  "abstracts": [
      "source": "Elsevier", 
      "value": "We consider the Higgs boson anomalous FCNC interactions with u, c, d, s and b quarks using the effective field theory framework. Constraints on anomalous couplings are derived from experimental results on Higgs boson production with subsequent decay into <math><mi>b</mi><mover><mrow><mi>b</mi></mrow><mrow><mo>\u00af</mo></mrow></mover></math> pair at LHC with <math><msqrt><mrow><mi>s</mi></mrow></msqrt><mo>=</mo><mn>13</mn></math> TeV. Upper limits on the branching fractions of <math><mi>H</mi><mo>\u2192</mo><mi>b</mi><mover><mrow><mi>s</mi></mrow><mrow><mo>\u00af</mo></mrow></mover></math> and <math><mi>H</mi><mo>\u2192</mo><mi>b</mi><mover><mrow><mi>d</mi></mrow><mrow><mo>\u00af</mo></mrow></mover></math> are set by performing a realistic detector simulation and accurately reproducing analysis selections of the CMS Higgs boson measurement in the four-lepton final state at <math><msqrt><mrow><mi>s</mi></mrow></msqrt><mo>=</mo><mn>13</mn></math> TeV. The searches are projected into operation conditions of HL-LHC. Sensitivity at FCC-hh to anomalous FCNC interactions is studied based on Higgs boson production with <math><mi>H</mi><mo>\u2192</mo><mi>\u03b3</mi><mi>\u03b3</mi></math> decay channel. It is shown that at FCC-hh machine one can expect to set the upper limits of the order of <math><msup><mrow><mn>10</mn></mrow><mrow><mo>\u2212</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></msup></math> at 95% CL for <math><mi>B</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>H</mi><mo>\u2192</mo><mi>b</mi><mover><mrow><mi>s</mi></mrow><mrow><mo>\u00af</mo></mrow></mover><mo>)</mo></math> and <math><mi>B</mi><mo>(</mo><mi>H</mi><mo>\u2192</mo><mi>b</mi><mover><mrow><mi>d</mi></mrow><mrow><mo>\u00af</mo></mrow></mover><mo>)</mo></math>."
  "imprints": [
      "date": "2020-01-09", 
      "publisher": "Elsevier"
  "acquisition_source": {
    "date": "2020-02-17T19:30:29.289006", 
    "source": "Elsevier", 
    "method": "Elsevier", 
    "submission_number": "8180cbf051b311eaad1402163e01809a"
Published on:
09 January 2020
Published in:
Nuclear Physics B , Volume 952 C (2020)

Article ID: 114921
The Authors

Fulltext files: