Torsion and anomalies in the warped limit of Lifschitz theories

Christian Copetti (Instituto de Física Teórica UAM/CSIC, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, c/Nicolás Cabrera 13-15, Cantoblanco, Madrid, 28049, Spain)

We describe the physics of fermionic Lifschitz theories once the anisotropic scaling exponent is made arbitrarily small. In this limit the system acquires an enhanced (Carrollian) boost symmetry. We show, both through the explicit computation of the path integral Jacobian and through the solution of the Wess-Zumino consistency conditions, that the translation symmetry in the anisotropic direction becomes anomalous. This turns out to be a mixed anomaly between boosts and translations. In a Newton-Cartan formulation of the space-time geometry such anomaly is sourced by torsion. We use these results to give an effective field theory description of the anomalous transport coefficients, which were originally computed through Kubo formulas in [1]. Along the way we provide a link with warped CFTs.

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  "authors": [
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "Spain", 
          "value": "Instituto de F\u00edsica Te\u00f3rica UAM/CSIC, Universidad Aut\u00f3noma de Madrid, c/Nicol\u00e1s Cabrera 13-15, Cantoblanco, Madrid, 28049, Spain", 
          "organization": "Universidad Aut\u00f3noma de Madrid"
      "surname": "Copetti", 
      "email": "", 
      "full_name": "Copetti, Christian", 
      "given_names": "Christian"
  "titles": [
      "source": "Springer", 
      "title": "Torsion and anomalies in the warped limit of Lifschitz theories"
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      "value": "10.1007/JHEP01(2020)190"
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      "page_end": "37", 
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      "journal_volume": "2020", 
      "artid": "JHEP01(2020)190", 
      "year": 2020, 
      "page_start": "1", 
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      "holder": "The Author(s)", 
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  "arxiv_eprints": [
      "categories": [
      "value": "1909.01157"
  "abstracts": [
      "source": "Springer", 
      "value": "We describe the physics of fermionic Lifschitz theories once the anisotropic scaling exponent is made arbitrarily small. In this limit the system acquires an enhanced (Carrollian) boost symmetry. We show, both through the explicit computation of the path integral Jacobian and through the solution of the Wess-Zumino consistency conditions, that the translation symmetry in the anisotropic direction becomes anomalous. This turns out to be a mixed anomaly between boosts and translations. In a Newton-Cartan formulation of the space-time geometry such anomaly is sourced by torsion. We use these results to give an effective field theory description of the anomalous transport coefficients, which were originally computed through Kubo formulas in [1]. Along the way we provide a link with warped CFTs."
  "imprints": [
      "date": "2020-01-30", 
      "publisher": "Springer"
Published on:
30 January 2020
Published in:
Journal of High Energy Physics , Volume 2020 (2020)
Issue 1
Pages 1-37
The Author(s)

Fulltext files: