Five-dimensional scale-dependent black holes with constant curvature and Solv horizons

Ernesto Contreras (Departamento de Física, Colegio de Ciencias e Ingeniería, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito, Ecuador) ; Ángel Rincón (Instituto de Física, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Avenida Brasil 2950, Casilla 4059, Valparaíso, Chile) ; Pedro Bargueño (Departamento de Física Aplicada, Universidad de Alicante, Campus de San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, 03690, Spain)

In this work, we investigate five-dimensional scale-dependent black hole solutions by modelling their event horizon with some of the eight Thurston three-dimensional geometries. Specifically, we construct constant curvature scale-dependent black holes and also the more exotic scale-dependent Solv black hole. These new solutions are obtained by promoting both the gravitational and the cosmological couplings to r-dependent functions, in light of a particular description of the effective action inspired by the high energy philosophy. Interestingly, the so-called running parameter, together with the topology of the event horizon, control the asymptotic structure of the solutions found. Finally, differences in both the entropy and the temperature between the classical and the scale-dependent Solv black hole are briefly commented.

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  "authors": [
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "Ecuador", 
          "value": "Departamento de F\u00edsica, Colegio de Ciencias e Ingenier\u00eda, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito, Ecuador", 
          "organization": "Universidad San Francisco de Quito"
      "surname": "Contreras", 
      "email": "", 
      "full_name": "Contreras, Ernesto", 
      "given_names": "Ernesto"
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "Chile", 
          "value": "Instituto de F\u00edsica, Pontificia Universidad Cat\u00f3lica de Valpara\u00edso, Avenida Brasil 2950, Casilla 4059, Valpara\u00edso, Chile", 
          "organization": "Pontificia Universidad Cat\u00f3lica de Valpara\u00edso"
      "surname": "Rinc\u00f3n", 
      "email": "", 
      "full_name": "Rinc\u00f3n, \u00c1ngel", 
      "given_names": "\u00c1ngel"
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "Spain", 
          "value": "Departamento de F\u00edsica Aplicada, Universidad de Alicante, Campus de San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, 03690, Spain", 
          "organization": "Universidad de Alicante"
      "surname": "Bargue\u00f1o", 
      "email": "", 
      "full_name": "Bargue\u00f1o, Pedro", 
      "given_names": "Pedro"
  "titles": [
      "source": "Springer", 
      "title": "Five-dimensional scale-dependent black holes with constant curvature and Solv horizons"
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      "value": "10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-7936-4"
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  "abstracts": [
      "source": "Springer", 
      "value": "In this work, we investigate five-dimensional scale-dependent black hole solutions by modelling their event horizon with some of the eight Thurston three-dimensional geometries. Specifically, we construct constant curvature scale-dependent black holes and also the more exotic scale-dependent Solv black hole. These new solutions are obtained by promoting both the gravitational and the cosmological couplings to r-dependent functions, in light of a particular description of the effective action inspired by the high energy philosophy. Interestingly, the so-called running parameter, together with the topology of the event horizon, control the asymptotic structure of the solutions found. Finally, differences in both the entropy and the temperature between the classical and the scale-dependent Solv black hole are briefly commented."
  "imprints": [
      "date": "2020-05-06", 
      "publisher": "Springer"
Published on:
06 May 2020
Published in:
European Physical Journal C , Volume 80 (2020)
Issue 5
Pages 1-10
The Author(s)

Fulltext files: