Updated constraints on superconducting cosmic strings from the astronomy of fast radio bursts

Batool Imtiaz (Department of Astronomy, School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, China; CAS Key Laboratory for Researches in Galaxies and Cosmology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, China; School of Astronomy and Space Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, China) ; Rui Shi (School of Astronomy and Space Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, China; Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 21218, USA) ; Yi-Fu Cai (Department of Astronomy, School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, China; CAS Key Laboratory for Researches in Galaxies and Cosmology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, China; School of Astronomy and Space Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, China)

In this article we update constraints on superconducting cosmic strings (SCSs) in the light of the recent observational developments of fast radio bursts (FRBs) astronomy. Assuming strings follow an exponential distribution characterized by a current, we show that two parameters in our context, which are the characteristic tension ($$G\mu $$ Gμ ) and a parameter which describes the aforementioned exponential distribution ($$I_c$$ Ic ), can be constrained by FRB experiments. Particularly, we investigate data sets from Parkes and ASKAP. We looked at a parameter space where $$G\mu \sim [10^{-17}, 10^{-12}]$$ Gμ[10-17,10-12] and $$I_c\sim [10^{-1}, 10^{2}]$$ Ic[10-1,102] GeV, and found our results show that Parkes jointly with ASKAP can constrain the parameter space for SCSs.

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      "affiliations": [
          "country": "China", 
          "value": "Department of Astronomy, School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, China", 
          "organization": "University of Science and Technology of China"
          "country": "China", 
          "value": "CAS Key Laboratory for Researches in Galaxies and Cosmology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, China", 
          "organization": "University of Science and Technology of China"
          "country": "China", 
          "value": "School of Astronomy and Space Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, China", 
          "organization": "University of Science and Technology of China"
      "surname": "Imtiaz", 
      "given_names": "Batool", 
      "full_name": "Imtiaz, Batool"
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "China", 
          "value": "School of Astronomy and Space Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, China", 
          "organization": "University of Science and Technology of China"
          "country": "USA", 
          "value": "Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 21218, USA", 
          "organization": "Johns Hopkins University"
      "surname": "Shi", 
      "given_names": "Rui", 
      "full_name": "Shi, Rui"
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "China", 
          "value": "Department of Astronomy, School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, China", 
          "organization": "University of Science and Technology of China"
          "country": "China", 
          "value": "CAS Key Laboratory for Researches in Galaxies and Cosmology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, China", 
          "organization": "University of Science and Technology of China"
          "country": "China", 
          "value": "School of Astronomy and Space Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, China", 
          "organization": "University of Science and Technology of China"
      "surname": "Cai", 
      "email": "yifucai@ustc.edu.cn", 
      "full_name": "Cai, Yi-Fu", 
      "given_names": "Yi-Fu"
  "titles": [
      "source": "Springer", 
      "title": "Updated constraints on superconducting cosmic strings from the astronomy of fast radio bursts"
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  "abstracts": [
      "source": "Springer", 
      "value": "In this article we update constraints on superconducting cosmic strings (SCSs) in the light of the recent observational developments of fast radio bursts (FRBs) astronomy. Assuming strings follow an exponential distribution characterized by a current, we show that two parameters in our context, which are the characteristic tension ($$G\\mu $$ <math><mrow><mi>G</mi><mi>\u03bc</mi></mrow></math> ) and a parameter which describes the aforementioned exponential distribution ($$I_c$$ <math><msub><mi>I</mi><mi>c</mi></msub></math> ), can be constrained by FRB experiments. Particularly, we investigate data sets from Parkes and ASKAP. We looked at a parameter space where $$G\\mu \\sim [10^{-17}, 10^{-12}]$$ <math><mrow><mi>G</mi><mi>\u03bc</mi><mo>\u223c</mo><mo>[</mo><msup><mn>10</mn><mrow><mo>-</mo><mn>17</mn></mrow></msup><mo>,</mo><msup><mn>10</mn><mrow><mo>-</mo><mn>12</mn></mrow></msup><mo>]</mo></mrow></math>  and $$I_c\\sim [10^{-1}, 10^{2}]$$ <math><mrow><msub><mi>I</mi><mi>c</mi></msub><mo>\u223c</mo><mrow><mo>[</mo><msup><mn>10</mn><mrow><mo>-</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow></msup><mo>,</mo><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>2</mn></msup><mo>]</mo></mrow></mrow></math>  GeV, and found our results show that Parkes jointly with ASKAP can constrain the parameter space for SCSs."
  "imprints": [
      "date": "2020-06-03", 
      "publisher": "Springer"
Published on:
03 June 2020
Published in:
European Physical Journal C , Volume 80 (2020)
Issue 6
Pages 1-8
The Author(s)

Fulltext files: