From prompt to direct $$\mathrm{J}/\psi $$ J/ψ production: new insights on the $$\chi _{{c}1} $$ χc1 and $$\chi _{{c}2} $$ χc2 polarizations and feed-down contributions from a global-fit analysis of mid-rapidity LHC data

Pietro Faccioli (LIP, Lisbon, Portugal) ; Carlos Lourenço (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland) ; Thomas Madlener (DESY, Hamburg, Germany)

While the prompt $$\mathrm{J}/\psi $$ J/ψ cross section and polarization have been measured with good precision as a function of transverse momentum, $$p_\mathrm{T}$$ pT , those of the directly produced $$\mathrm{J}/\psi $$ J/ψ are practically unknown, given that the cross sections and polarizations of the $$\chi _{{c}1} $$ χc1 and $$\chi _{{c}2} $$ χc2 mesons, large indirect contributors to $$\mathrm{J}/\psi $$ J/ψ production, are only known with rather poor accuracy. The lack of precise measurements of the $$\chi _{{c}J} $$ χcJ polarizations induces large uncertainties in the level of their feed-down contributions to the prompt $$\mathrm{J}/\psi $$ J/ψ yield, because of the polarization-dependent acceptance corrections. The experimental panorama of charmonium production can be significantly improved through a consistent and model-independent global analysis of existing measurements of $$\mathrm{J}/\psi $$ J/ψ , $$\psi \mathrm{(2S)}$$ ψ(2S) and $$\chi _{c}$$ χc cross sections and polarizations, faithfully respecting all the correlations and uncertainties. In particular, it is seen that the $$\chi _{{c}J} $$ χcJ polarizations and feed-down fractions to $$\mathrm{J}/\psi $$ J/ψ production have a negligible dependence on the $$\mathrm{J}/\psi $$ J/ψ $$p_\mathrm{T}$$ pT , with average values $$\lambda _\vartheta ^{\chi _{{c}1}} = 0.55 \pm 0.23$$ λϑχc1=0.55±0.23 , $$\lambda _\vartheta ^{\chi _{{c}2}} = -0.39 \pm 0.22$$ λϑχc2=-0.39±0.22 , $$R^{\chi _{{c}1}} = (18.8 \pm 1.4)\%$$ Rχc1=(18.8±1.4)% and $$R^{\chi _{{c}2}} = (6.5 \pm 0.5)\%$$ Rχc2=(6.5±0.5)% . The analysis also shows that $$(67.2 \pm 1.9)$$ (67.2±1.9) % of the prompt $$\mathrm{J}/\psi $$ J/ψ yield is due to directly-produced mesons, of polarization constrained to remarkably small values, $$\lambda _\vartheta ^{\mathrm{J}/\psi } = 0.04 \pm 0.06$$ λϑJ/ψ=0.04±0.06 .

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          "value": "LIP, Lisbon, Portugal", 
          "organization": "LIP"
      "surname": "Faccioli", 
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      "full_name": "Faccioli, Pietro", 
      "given_names": "Pietro"
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "CERN", 
          "value": "CERN, Geneva, Switzerland", 
          "organization": "CERN"
      "surname": "Louren\u00e7o", 
      "email": "", 
      "full_name": "Louren\u00e7o, Carlos", 
      "given_names": "Carlos"
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "Germany", 
          "value": "DESY, Hamburg, Germany", 
          "organization": "DESY"
      "surname": "Madlener", 
      "given_names": "Thomas", 
      "full_name": "Madlener, Thomas"
  "titles": [
      "source": "Springer", 
      "title": "From prompt to direct $$\\mathrm{J}/\\psi $$ <math><mrow><mi>J</mi><mo>/</mo><mi>\u03c8</mi></mrow></math>  production: new insights on the $$\\chi _{{c}1} $$ <math><msub><mi>\u03c7</mi><mrow><mi>c</mi><mn>1</mn></mrow></msub></math>  and $$\\chi _{{c}2} $$ <math><msub><mi>\u03c7</mi><mrow><mi>c</mi><mn>2</mn></mrow></msub></math>  polarizations and feed-down contributions from a global-fit analysis of mid-rapidity LHC data"
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  "abstracts": [
      "source": "Springer", 
      "value": "While the prompt $$\\mathrm{J}/\\psi $$ <math><mrow><mi>J</mi><mo>/</mo><mi>\u03c8</mi></mrow></math>  cross section and polarization have been measured with good precision as a function of transverse momentum, $$p_\\mathrm{T}$$ <math><msub><mi>p</mi><mi>T</mi></msub></math> , those of the directly produced $$\\mathrm{J}/\\psi $$ <math><mrow><mi>J</mi><mo>/</mo><mi>\u03c8</mi></mrow></math>  are practically unknown, given that the cross sections and polarizations of the $$\\chi _{{c}1} $$ <math><msub><mi>\u03c7</mi><mrow><mi>c</mi><mn>1</mn></mrow></msub></math>  and $$\\chi _{{c}2} $$ <math><msub><mi>\u03c7</mi><mrow><mi>c</mi><mn>2</mn></mrow></msub></math>  mesons, large indirect contributors to $$\\mathrm{J}/\\psi $$ <math><mrow><mi>J</mi><mo>/</mo><mi>\u03c8</mi></mrow></math>  production, are only known with rather poor accuracy. The lack of precise measurements of the $$\\chi _{{c}J} $$ <math><msub><mi>\u03c7</mi><mrow><mi>cJ</mi></mrow></msub></math>  polarizations induces large uncertainties in the level of their feed-down contributions to the prompt $$\\mathrm{J}/\\psi $$ <math><mrow><mi>J</mi><mo>/</mo><mi>\u03c8</mi></mrow></math>  yield, because of the polarization-dependent acceptance corrections. The experimental panorama of charmonium production can be significantly improved through a consistent and model-independent global analysis of existing measurements of $$\\mathrm{J}/\\psi $$ <math><mrow><mi>J</mi><mo>/</mo><mi>\u03c8</mi></mrow></math> , $$\\psi \\mathrm{(2S)}$$ <math><mrow><mi>\u03c8</mi><mrow><mo>(</mo><mn>2</mn><mi>S</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math>  and $$\\chi _{c}$$ <math><msub><mi>\u03c7</mi><mi>c</mi></msub></math>  cross sections and polarizations, faithfully respecting all the correlations and uncertainties. In particular, it is seen that the $$\\chi _{{c}J} $$ <math><msub><mi>\u03c7</mi><mrow><mi>cJ</mi></mrow></msub></math>  polarizations and feed-down fractions to $$\\mathrm{J}/\\psi $$ <math><mrow><mi>J</mi><mo>/</mo><mi>\u03c8</mi></mrow></math>  production have a negligible dependence on the $$\\mathrm{J}/\\psi $$ <math><mrow><mi>J</mi><mo>/</mo><mi>\u03c8</mi></mrow></math>  $$p_\\mathrm{T}$$ <math><msub><mi>p</mi><mi>T</mi></msub></math> , with average values $$\\lambda _\\vartheta ^{\\chi _{{c}1}} = 0.55 \\pm 0.23$$ <math><mrow><msubsup><mi>\u03bb</mi><mi>\u03d1</mi><msub><mi>\u03c7</mi><mrow><mi>c</mi><mn>1</mn></mrow></msub></msubsup><mo>=</mo><mn>0.55</mn><mo>\u00b1</mo><mn>0.23</mn></mrow></math> , $$\\lambda _\\vartheta ^{\\chi _{{c}2}} = -0.39 \\pm 0.22$$ <math><mrow><msubsup><mi>\u03bb</mi><mi>\u03d1</mi><msub><mi>\u03c7</mi><mrow><mi>c</mi><mn>2</mn></mrow></msub></msubsup><mo>=</mo><mo>-</mo><mn>0.39</mn><mo>\u00b1</mo><mn>0.22</mn></mrow></math> , $$R^{\\chi _{{c}1}} = (18.8 \\pm 1.4)\\%$$ <math><mrow><msup><mi>R</mi><msub><mi>\u03c7</mi><mrow><mi>c</mi><mn>1</mn></mrow></msub></msup><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mn>18.8</mn><mo>\u00b1</mo><mn>1.4</mn><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>%</mo></mrow></math>  and $$R^{\\chi _{{c}2}} = (6.5 \\pm 0.5)\\%$$ <math><mrow><msup><mi>R</mi><msub><mi>\u03c7</mi><mrow><mi>c</mi><mn>2</mn></mrow></msub></msup><mo>=</mo><mrow><mo>(</mo><mn>6.5</mn><mo>\u00b1</mo><mn>0.5</mn><mo>)</mo></mrow><mo>%</mo></mrow></math> . The analysis also shows that $$(67.2 \\pm 1.9)$$ <math><mrow><mo>(</mo><mn>67.2</mn><mo>\u00b1</mo><mn>1.9</mn><mo>)</mo></mrow></math> % of the prompt $$\\mathrm{J}/\\psi $$ <math><mrow><mi>J</mi><mo>/</mo><mi>\u03c8</mi></mrow></math>  yield is due to directly-produced mesons, of polarization constrained to remarkably small values, $$\\lambda _\\vartheta ^{\\mathrm{J}/\\psi } = 0.04 \\pm 0.06$$ <math><mrow><msubsup><mi>\u03bb</mi><mi>\u03d1</mi><mrow><mi>J</mi><mo>/</mo><mi>\u03c8</mi></mrow></msubsup><mo>=</mo><mn>0.04</mn><mo>\u00b1</mo><mn>0.06</mn></mrow></math> ."
  "imprints": [
      "date": "2020-07-14", 
      "publisher": "Springer"
Published on:
14 July 2020
Published in:
European Physical Journal C , Volume 80 (2020)
Issue 7
Pages 1-11
The Author(s)

Fulltext files: