Asymmetric CFTs arising at the IR fixed points of RG flows

George Georgiou (Department of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Faculty of Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 15784 Athens, Greece) ; Georgios P.D. Pappas (Department of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Faculty of Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 15784 Athens, Greece) ; Konstantinos Sfetsos (Department of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Faculty of Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 15784 Athens, Greece)

We construct a generalization of the cyclic λ-deformed models of [10] by relaxing the requirement that all the WZW models should have the same level k. Our theories are integrable and flow from a single UV point to different IR fixed points depending on the different orderings of the WZW levels ki. First we calculate the Zamolodchikov's C-function for these models as exact functions of the deformation parameters. Subsequently, we fully characterize each of the IR conformal field theories. Although the corresponding left and right sectors have different symmetries, realized as products of current and coset-type symmetries, the associated central charges are precisely equal, in agreement with the values obtained from the C-function.

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          "country": "Greece", 
          "value": "Department of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Faculty of Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 15784 Athens, Greece"
      "surname": "Georgiou", 
      "email": "", 
      "full_name": "Georgiou, George", 
      "given_names": "George"
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "Greece", 
          "value": "Department of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Faculty of Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 15784 Athens, Greece"
      "surname": "Pappas", 
      "email": "", 
      "full_name": "Pappas, Georgios P.D.", 
      "given_names": "Georgios P.D."
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "Greece", 
          "value": "Department of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Faculty of Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 15784 Athens, Greece"
      "surname": "Sfetsos", 
      "email": "", 
      "full_name": "Sfetsos, Konstantinos", 
      "given_names": "Konstantinos"
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  "record_creation_date": "2020-08-05T17:30:20.564443", 
  "titles": [
      "source": "Elsevier", 
      "title": "Asymmetric CFTs arising at the IR fixed points of RG flows"
  "collections": [
      "primary": "Nuclear Physics B"
  "dois": [
      "value": "10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2020.115138"
  "publication_info": [
      "journal_volume": "958 C", 
      "journal_title": "Nuclear Physics B", 
      "material": "article", 
      "artid": "115138", 
      "year": 2020
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  "abstracts": [
      "source": "Elsevier", 
      "value": "We construct a generalization of the cyclic \u03bb-deformed models of [10] by relaxing the requirement that all the WZW models should have the same level k. Our theories are integrable and flow from a single UV point to different IR fixed points depending on the different orderings of the WZW levels <math><msub><mrow><mi>k</mi></mrow><mrow><mi>i</mi></mrow></msub></math>. First we calculate the Zamolodchikov's C-function for these models as exact functions of the deformation parameters. Subsequently, we fully characterize each of the IR conformal field theories. Although the corresponding left and right sectors have different symmetries, realized as products of current and coset-type symmetries, the associated central charges are precisely equal, in agreement with the values obtained from the C-function."
  "imprints": [
      "date": "2020-08-28", 
      "publisher": "Elsevier"
  "acquisition_source": {
    "date": "2020-08-28T08:45:25.196768", 
    "source": "Elsevier", 
    "method": "Elsevier", 
    "submission_number": "e602f748e8f711eaa47002163e01809a"
Published on:
28 August 2020
Published in:
Nuclear Physics B , Volume 958 C (2020)

Article ID: 115138
The Authors

Fulltext files: