Backgrounds from tensor models: A proposal

Pablo Diaz (Departamento de Matemática Aplicada, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, 50009, Spain and Centro de Astropartículas y Física de Altas Energas (CAPA), Zaragoza, 50009, Spain)

Although tensor models are serious candidates for a theory of quantum gravity, a connection with classical spacetimes has been elusive thus far. I aim to fill this gap by proposing a neat connection between tensor theory and Euclidean gravity at the classical level. The main departure from the usual approach is the use of Schur invariants (instead of monomial invariants) as manifold partners. Classical spacetime features can be identified naturally on the tensor side in this new setup. A notion of locality is shown to emerge through Ward identities, where proximity between spacetime points translates into vicinity between Young diagram corners.

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    "updated": "2022-04-05T09:14:11Z", 
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  "authors": [
      "raw_name": "Pablo Diaz", 
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "Spain", 
          "value": "Departamento de Matem\u00e1tica Aplicada, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, 50009, Spain and Centro de Astropart\u00edculas y F\u00edsica de Altas Energas (CAPA), Zaragoza, 50009, Spain"
      "surname": "Diaz", 
      "given_names": "Pablo", 
      "full_name": "Diaz, Pablo"
  "titles": [
      "source": "APS", 
      "title": "Backgrounds from tensor models: A proposal"
  "dois": [
      "value": "10.1103/PhysRevD.103.066010"
  "publication_info": [
      "journal_volume": "103", 
      "journal_title": "Physical Review D", 
      "material": "article", 
      "journal_issue": "6", 
      "year": 2021
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    "date": "2022-04-05T09:04:58.768372", 
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      "statement": "Published by the American Physical Society", 
      "year": "2021"
  "control_number": "60766", 
  "record_creation_date": "2021-03-17T17:30:03.658831", 
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  "arxiv_eprints": [
      "categories": [
      "value": "2009.00623"
  "abstracts": [
      "source": "APS", 
      "value": "Although tensor models are serious candidates for a theory of quantum gravity, a connection with classical spacetimes has been elusive thus far. I aim to fill this gap by proposing a neat connection between tensor theory and Euclidean gravity at the classical level. The main departure from the usual approach is the use of Schur invariants (instead of monomial invariants) as manifold partners. Classical spacetime features can be identified naturally on the tensor side in this new setup. A notion of locality is shown to emerge through Ward identities, where proximity between spacetime points translates into vicinity between Young diagram corners."
  "imprints": [
      "date": "2021-03-17", 
      "publisher": "APS"
Published on:
17 March 2021
Published in:
Physical Review D , Volume 103 (2021)
Issue 6
Published by the American Physical Society

Fulltext files: