Averaging over moduli in deformed WZW models

Junkai Dong (Department of Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA) ; Thomas Hartman (Department of Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA) ; Yikun Jiang (Department of Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA)

WZW models live on a moduli space parameterized by current-current deformations. The moduli space defines an ensemble of conformal field theories, which generically have N abelian conserved currents and central charge c > N. We calculate the average partition function and show that it can be interpreted as a sum over 3-manifolds. This suggests that the ensemble-averaged theory has a holographic dual, generalizing recent results on Narain CFTs. The bulk theory, at the perturbative level, is identified as U(1)2N Chern-Simons theory coupled to additional matter fields. From a mathematical perspective, our principal result is a Siegel-Weil formula for the characters of an affine Lie algebra.

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          "country": "USA", 
          "value": "Department of Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA", 
          "organization": "Cornell University"
      "surname": "Dong", 
      "email": "jd722@cornell.edu", 
      "full_name": "Dong, Junkai", 
      "given_names": "Junkai"
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "USA", 
          "value": "Department of Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA", 
          "organization": "Cornell University"
      "surname": "Hartman", 
      "email": "hartman@cornell.edu", 
      "full_name": "Hartman, Thomas", 
      "given_names": "Thomas"
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "USA", 
          "value": "Department of Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA", 
          "organization": "Cornell University"
      "surname": "Jiang", 
      "email": "yj366@cornell.edu", 
      "full_name": "Jiang, Yikun", 
      "given_names": "Yikun"
  "titles": [
      "source": "Springer", 
      "title": "Averaging over moduli in deformed WZW models"
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      "value": "10.1007/JHEP09(2021)185"
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      "journal_title": "Journal of High Energy Physics", 
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      "year": 2021, 
      "page_start": "1", 
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      "year": "2021"
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  "record_creation_date": "2021-09-29T15:30:16.123124", 
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  "arxiv_eprints": [
      "categories": [
      "value": "2105.12594"
  "abstracts": [
      "source": "Springer", 
      "value": "WZW models live on a moduli space parameterized by current-current deformations. The moduli space defines an ensemble of conformal field theories, which generically have N abelian conserved currents and central charge c > N. We calculate the average partition function and show that it can be interpreted as a sum over 3-manifolds. This suggests that the ensemble-averaged theory has a holographic dual, generalizing recent results on Narain CFTs. The bulk theory, at the perturbative level, is identified as U(1)2N  Chern-Simons theory coupled to additional matter fields. From a mathematical perspective, our principal result is a Siegel-Weil formula for the characters of an affine Lie algebra."
  "imprints": [
      "date": "2021-09-28", 
      "publisher": "Springer"
Published on:
28 September 2021
Published in:
Journal of High Energy Physics , Volume 2021 (2021)
Issue 9
Pages 1-34
The Author(s)

Fulltext files: