Angular distribution of Λ b 0 p K + $$ {\Lambda}_b^0\to p{K}^{-}{\ell}^{+}{\ell}^{-} $$ decays comprising Λ resonances with spin ≤ 5/2

A. Beck (Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK) ; T. Blake (Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK) ; M. Kreps (Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK)

This paper describes the angular distribution of Λ b 0 Λ p K + $$ {\Lambda}_b^0\to \Lambda \left(\to p{K}^{-}\right){\ell}^{+}{\ell}^{-} $$ decays. A full expression is given for the case of multiple interfering spin-states with spin ≤ 5 2 $$ \frac{5}{2} $$ . This distribution is relevant for future measurements of Λ b 0 p K + $$ {\Lambda}_b^0\to p{K}^{-}{\ell}^{+}{\ell}^{-} $$ decays, where different states cannot easily be separated based on their mass alone. New observables arise when considering spin- 5 2 $$ \frac{5}{2} $$ states as well as interference between states. An exploration of their behaviour for a variety of beyond the Standard Model scenarios shows that some of these observables exhibit interesting sensitivity to the Wilson coefficients involved in b → sℓ + ℓ − transitions. Others are insensitive to the Wilson coefficients and can be used to verify the description of Λ b 0 Λ $$ {\Lambda}_b^0\to \Lambda $$ form-factors. A basis of weighting functions that can be used to determine all of the angular observables described in this paper in a moment analysis of the experimental data is also provided.

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          "country": "UK", 
          "value": "Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK", 
          "organization": "University of Warwick"
      "surname": "Beck", 
      "email": "", 
      "full_name": "Beck, A.", 
      "given_names": "A."
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "UK", 
          "value": "Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK", 
          "organization": "University of Warwick"
      "surname": "Blake", 
      "email": "", 
      "full_name": "Blake, T.", 
      "given_names": "T."
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "UK", 
          "value": "Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK", 
          "organization": "University of Warwick"
      "surname": "Kreps", 
      "email": "", 
      "full_name": "Kreps, M.", 
      "given_names": "M."
  "titles": [
      "source": "Springer", 
      "title": "Angular distribution of   <math> <msubsup> <mi>\u039b</mi> <mi>b</mi> <mn>0</mn> </msubsup> <mo>\u2192</mo> <mi>p</mi> <msup> <mi>K</mi> <mo>\u2212</mo> </msup> <msup> <mi>\u2113</mi> <mo>+</mo> </msup> <msup> <mi>\u2113</mi> <mo>\u2212</mo> </msup> </math>  $$ {\\Lambda}_b^0\\to p{K}^{-}{\\ell}^{+}{\\ell}^{-} $$  decays comprising \u039b resonances with spin \u2264 5/2"
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      "value": "10.1007/JHEP02(2023)189"
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      "page_end": "50", 
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      "journal_volume": "2023", 
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      "year": 2023, 
      "page_start": "1", 
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  "arxiv_eprints": [
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  "abstracts": [
      "source": "Springer", 
      "value": "This paper describes the angular distribution of   <math> <msubsup> <mi>\u039b</mi> <mi>b</mi> <mn>0</mn> </msubsup> <mo>\u2192</mo> <mi>\u039b</mi> <mfenced> <mrow> <mo>\u2192</mo> <mi>p</mi> <msup> <mi>K</mi> <mo>\u2212</mo> </msup> </mrow> </mfenced> <msup> <mi>\u2113</mi> <mo>+</mo> </msup> <msup> <mi>\u2113</mi> <mo>\u2212</mo> </msup> </math>  $$ {\\Lambda}_b^0\\to \\Lambda \\left(\\to p{K}^{-}\\right){\\ell}^{+}{\\ell}^{-} $$  decays. A full expression is given for the case of multiple interfering spin-states with spin \u2264   <math> <mfrac> <mn>5</mn> <mn>2</mn> </mfrac> </math>  $$ \\frac{5}{2} $$ . This distribution is relevant for future measurements of   <math> <msubsup> <mi>\u039b</mi> <mi>b</mi> <mn>0</mn> </msubsup> <mo>\u2192</mo> <mi>p</mi> <msup> <mi>K</mi> <mo>\u2212</mo> </msup> <msup> <mi>\u2113</mi> <mo>+</mo> </msup> <msup> <mi>\u2113</mi> <mo>\u2212</mo> </msup> </math>  $$ {\\Lambda}_b^0\\to p{K}^{-}{\\ell}^{+}{\\ell}^{-} $$  decays, where different states cannot easily be separated based on their mass alone. New observables arise when considering spin-  <math> <mfrac> <mn>5</mn> <mn>2</mn> </mfrac> </math>  $$ \\frac{5}{2} $$  states as well as interference between states. An exploration of their behaviour for a variety of beyond the Standard Model scenarios shows that some of these observables exhibit interesting sensitivity to the Wilson coefficients involved in b \u2192 s\u2113 + \u2113  \u2212  transitions. Others are insensitive to the Wilson coefficients and can be used to verify the description of   <math> <msubsup> <mi>\u039b</mi> <mi>b</mi> <mn>0</mn> </msubsup> <mo>\u2192</mo> <mi>\u039b</mi> </math>  $$ {\\Lambda}_b^0\\to \\Lambda $$  form-factors. A basis of weighting functions that can be used to determine all of the angular observables described in this paper in a moment analysis of the experimental data is also provided."
  "imprints": [
      "date": "2023-02-20", 
      "publisher": "Springer"
Published on:
20 February 2023
Published in:
Journal of High Energy Physics , Volume 2023 (2023)
Issue 2
Pages 1-50
The Author(s)

Fulltext files: