Cosmic neutrino flux and spin flavor oscillations in intergalactic medium

Ashutosh Kumar Alok (Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Jodhpur 342037, India) ; Neetu Raj Singh Chundawat (Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Jodhpur 342037, India) ; Arindam Mandal (Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Jodhpur 342037, India)

The ultra high energy (UHE) cosmic neutrinos are expected to play a pivotal role in the disquisition of physics beyond the standard model of particle physics as well as serve as an ideal cosmic messengers. This epitomizes the selling point of several currently running or planned neutrino telescopes. The UHE cosmic neutrinos usually perambulate gargantuan scales in the extragalactic universe having a magnetic field. If neutrinos have a finite magnetic moment (μν) owing to quantum loop corrections, this may result in spin-flavor oscillations, which can affect the cosmic neutrino flux. Using the current limit and assuming neutrinos to be Dirac particles, we show that the flux of cosmic neutrinos will reduce by half if they traverse few Mpcs through the intergalactic magnetic field, in the range of μG to nG. Moreover, one can safely neglect the effect of μν if the current upper bound is improved by a few orders of magnitude even if the neutrinos travel through the size of the visible universe.

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      "surname": "Alok", 
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      "full_name": "Alok, Ashutosh Kumar", 
      "given_names": "Ashutosh Kumar"
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "India", 
          "value": "Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Jodhpur 342037, India"
      "surname": "Chundawat", 
      "email": "", 
      "full_name": "Chundawat, Neetu Raj Singh", 
      "given_names": "Neetu Raj Singh"
      "affiliations": [
          "country": "India", 
          "value": "Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Jodhpur 342037, India"
      "surname": "Mandal", 
      "email": "", 
      "full_name": "Mandal, Arindam", 
      "given_names": "Arindam"
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  "record_creation_date": "2023-02-23T15:30:35.970233", 
  "titles": [
      "source": "Elsevier", 
      "title": "Cosmic neutrino flux and spin flavor oscillations in intergalactic medium"
  "collections": [
      "primary": "Physics Letters B"
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      "value": "10.1016/j.physletb.2023.137791"
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  "abstracts": [
      "source": "Elsevier", 
      "value": "The ultra high energy (UHE) cosmic neutrinos are expected to play a pivotal role in the disquisition of physics beyond the standard model of particle physics as well as serve as an ideal cosmic messengers. This epitomizes the selling point of several currently running or planned neutrino telescopes. The UHE cosmic neutrinos usually perambulate gargantuan scales in the extragalactic universe having a magnetic field. If neutrinos have a finite magnetic moment (<math><msub><mrow><mi>\u03bc</mi></mrow><mrow><mi>\u03bd</mi></mrow></msub></math>) owing to quantum loop corrections, this may result in spin-flavor oscillations, which can affect the cosmic neutrino flux. Using the current limit and assuming neutrinos to be Dirac particles, we show that the flux of cosmic neutrinos will reduce by half if they traverse few Mpcs through the intergalactic magnetic field, in the range of \u03bcG to nG. Moreover, one can safely neglect the effect of <math><msub><mrow><mi>\u03bc</mi></mrow><mrow><mi>\u03bd</mi></mrow></msub></math> if the current upper bound is improved by a few orders of magnitude even if the neutrinos travel through the size of the visible universe."
  "imprints": [
      "date": "2023-03-21", 
      "publisher": "Elsevier"
  "acquisition_source": {
    "date": "2023-03-21T09:31:19.473508", 
    "source": "Elsevier", 
    "method": "Elsevier", 
    "submission_number": "f3805ddec7ca11eda920065bd8dc6b20"
Published on:
21 March 2023
Published in:
Physics Letters B , Volume 839 C (2023)

Article ID: 137791
The Author(s)

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